Use a Licensing Specialist
who offers a Full Licensing Service
Licensing can be a minefield - but licences are legally required. Mistakes and delays will cost you money or even your business. Let The Licence Co take the worry out of it.
We provide a full licencing service, supported by a dedicated team of experienced professionals.
Choose the type of licence you want below for a personal service by experienced professionals. Small towns, big cities or remote areas - we've done it before.

LiquorWise specialises in New Applications, Transfers, Distribution, Licence Tracking, Sale of Licences
LiquorWise spesialiseer in Nuwe Aansoeke, Oordragte, Distribusie, Drankraad Opvolgdiens, Verkope van Dranklisensies

GambleWise specialises in all Gambling Licence Applications, Transfers, Renewals & Appointments
GambleWise spesialiseer in alle Dobbel Lisensie Aansoeke, Oordragte, Hernuwings & Aanstellings

BusinessWise specialises in all Business Licence Applications, Transfers & Renewals
BusinessWise spesialiseer in alle Besigheidslisensie Aansoeke, Oordragte & Hernuwings